Original Research
Community service physiotherapists – what do they know about hiv/aids?
South African Journal of Physiotherapy | Vol 66, No 3 | a71 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajp.v66i3.71
| © 2010 A. Mangrey, L. Naidoo, T. Naidoo, T. Puckree
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 January 2010 | Published: 19 February 2010
Submitted: 06 January 2010 | Published: 19 February 2010
About the author(s)
A. Mangrey, University of KwaZulu NatalL. Naidoo, University of KwaZulu Natal
T. Naidoo, University of KwaZulu Natal
T. Puckree, University of KwaZulu Natal
Full Text:
PDF (262KB)Abstract
Southern Africa has been identified as the heart of the HIV/AIDS pandemic for more than two decades. At its heart lies KwaZulu Natal with more than a third of its ten million inhabitants infected. In its effort to ensure service to all, the South African National Department of Health has instituted several strategies to ensure some service delivery to the rural and urban poor communities. One of these strategies was the introduction of community service in 2002, for physiotherapists and other health care professionals for one year following successful completion of the University degree. In keeping with this, Physiotherapy curricula had to change with the changing needs of the increased demands placed on the new graduates. This study undertook to find out the knowledge, attitudes and experience of the 2004 community service physiotherapists in KwaZulu Natal with regard to HIV/AIDS in their community service year. Seventy-seven community service physiotherapists who serviced KwaZulu Natal in 2004 participated. Of the 59 contactable subjects, 47 returned their questionnaires and only 44 were viable for analysis. The results showed that 100% of the participants had contact with HIV/AIDS patients during their community service year. These therapists felt that a physiotherapist can play a vital role in the care of these patients. Seventy five percent believed that their undergraduate programmes did not prepare them adequately to cope with these patients in the community. However, their exposure to these patients improved their attitudes towards people with the syndrome. In conclusion although these young therapists started off being ill equipped, the exposure improved their ability to meet the challenges. This information is useful for curriculum development and transformation in physiotherapy.
knowledge; attitudes on hiv/aids; community service physiotherapists
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