Original Research

Quality of life following a major lower limb ampu tation in Johann esburg, South Africa.

L. Godlwana, A. Stewart, E. Musenga
South African Journal of Physiotherapy | Vol 68, No 2 | a11 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajp.v68i2.11 | © 2012 L. Godlwana, A. Stewart, E. Musenga | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 11 December 2012 | Published: 11 December 2012

About the author(s)

L. Godlwana, University of the Witwatersrand., South Africa
A. Stewart, University of the Witwatersrand., South Africa
E. Musenga, University of the Witwatersrand., South Africa

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To determine the impact of lower limb amputation on qualityof life in people in the Johannesburg metropolitan area of South Africa, duringtheir reintegration to their society/community of origin.A longitudinal pre- test- post test design was utilized. Consecutive samplingwas used to recruit and interview participants (n=73) who met the inclusioncriteria. Ethical clearance was obtained. The hospitals and participants gaveinformed consent.The EQ-5D, Barthel Index, and Modified Household Economic andSocial Status Index were used to collect data. Participants were interviewed preoperatively and then followed upthree months post-operatively. Data were analysed using STATA version 10. Categorical data were analysedusing Chi-square/Fischer’s exact test and continuous data were analysed using Wilcoxon signed rank and medianregression.Most (n=21, 52.5 %) participants had no income. One participant was homeless, 17.5% (n=7) lived in shacks.The preoperative and postoperative median VAS of the EQ-5D was 60 and 70 respectively showing no significantimprovement in QOL (median EQ-5D VAS). The preoperative and postoperative median total BI score was 20 and 19respectively, showing a significant reduction in function (median total BI) three months postoperatively (p<0.001).Preoperative mobility was a predictor of postoperative quality of life. Being female was a predictor of higher qualityof life.The average EQ-5D VAS score and overall function (total BI) were generally scored high both preoperativelyand postoperatively but there was no significant improvement in EQ-5D VAS score and there was a significant reductionin function after three months. Higher scores in mobility preoperatively is a predictor of higher quality of lifepostoperatively.


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Crossref Citations

1. A study on quality of life among lower limb amputees at a tertiary prosthetic rehabilitation center
Pooja Shankar, V.S. Grewal, Sunil Agrawal, Sreeni V. Nair
Medical Journal Armed Forces India  vol: 76  issue: 1  first page: 89  year: 2020  
doi: 10.1016/j.mjafi.2019.02.008